Stable Diffusion

Running a Stable Diffusion Job from a smart contract with Lilypad v0

Open this contract in Remix -> Click here


This example uses the Stable Diffusion Docker image found on the Bacalhau Docs.

For more info on how to create the Stable Diffusion Script and Docker Image see this tutorial or watch the video below.

Create an open source text to image script to run on Bacalhau


This example can be found in the Examples folder in the Lilypad Project Github.

To run this example, you can simply deploy it to any supported network and pass in the contact address to the constructor which corresponds to your network. See Deployed Network Details.

Open this example in remix -> click here
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.4;
import "hardhat/console.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "";
import "";

    @notice An experimental contract for POC work to call Bacalhau jobs from FVM smart contracts
contract StableDiffusionCallerV2 is LilypadCallerInterface, Ownable {
    address public bridgeAddress;
    LilypadEventsUpgradeable bridge;
    uint256 public lilypadFee; //=30000000000000000;

    struct StableDiffusionImage {
        string prompt;
        string ipfsResult;

    StableDiffusionImage[] public images;
    mapping (uint => string) prompts;

    event NewImageGenerated(StableDiffusionImage image);

    constructor(address _bridgeContractAddress) {
        console.log("Deploying StableDiffusion contract");
        bridgeAddress = _bridgeContractAddress;
        bridge = LilypadEventsUpgradeable(_bridgeContractAddress);
        uint fee = bridge.getLilypadFee();
        lilypadFee = fee;

    function setBridgeAddress(address _newAddress) public onlyOwner {
      bridgeAddress= _newAddress;

    function setLPEventsAddress(address _eventsAddress) public onlyOwner {
        bridge = LilypadEventsUpgradeable(_eventsAddress);

    function getLilypadFee() external {
        uint fee = bridge.getLilypadFee(); 
        console.log("fee", fee);
        lilypadFee = fee;

    // not recommended
    function setLilypadFee(uint256 _fee) public onlyOwner {
        require(_fee > 0, "Lilypad fee must be greater than 0");
        lilypadFee = _fee;

    string constant specStart = '{'
        '"Engine": "docker",'
        '"Verifier": "noop",'
        '"PublisherSpec": {"Type": "ipfs"},'
        '"Docker": {'
        '"Image": "",'
        '"Entrypoint": ["python", "", "--o", "./outputs", "--p", "';

    string constant specEnd =
        '"Resources": {"GPU": "1"},'
        '"Outputs": [{"Name": "outputs", "Path": "/outputs"}],'
        '"Deal": {"Concurrency": 1}'

    function StableDiffusion(string calldata _prompt) external payable {
        require(msg.value >= lilypadFee, "Not enough to run Lilypad job");
        // TODO: spec -> do proper json encoding, look out for quotes in _prompt
        string memory spec = string.concat(specStart, _prompt, specEnd);
        uint id = bridge.runLilypadJob{value: lilypadFee}(address(this), spec, uint8(LilypadResultType.CID));
        require(id > 0, "job didn't return a value");
        prompts[id] = _prompt;

    function allImages() public view returns (StableDiffusionImage[] memory) {
        return images;

    function lilypadFulfilled(address _from, uint _jobId, LilypadResultType _resultType, string calldata _result) external override {
        //need some checks here that it a legitimate result
        require(_from == address(bridge)); //really not secure
        require(_resultType == LilypadResultType.CID);

        StableDiffusionImage memory image = StableDiffusionImage({
            ipfsResult: _result,
            prompt: prompts[_jobId]
        emit NewImageGenerated(image);
        delete prompts[_jobId];

    function lilypadCancelled(address _from, uint _jobId, string calldata _errorMsg) external override {
        require(_from == address(bridge)); //really not secure
        delete prompts[_jobId];

Job Results

In this example the Lilypad Stable Diffusion Job Results are returned as an IPFS v0 CID. You can use Brave browser or an IPFS gateway to see the results.

For example for a given return CID, type the following into your browser url

  • In Brave: ipfs://[CID]

  • In Other Browsers:[CID] or[CID]

A folder of the Outputs will be shown:

You can also access the image directly by navigating to

  • In Brave: ipfs://[CID]/outputs/image0.png

  • In Other Browsers:[CID] or[CID]/outputs/image0.png

Last updated
