Running the most important Hello World on Lilypad!
Before you run a Lilypad job, make sure you have Lilypad CLI installed and have set a WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY env variable in your environment.
Your WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY can be retrieved from the MetaMask account details menu. For more info, check out the official guide from MetaMask on how to get a your private key. Be sure to keep your private key safe and never share it or store it in unsecured places to prevent unauthorized access to your funds.
Run Cowsay
cowsay is a classic CLI tool that prints messages in a speech bubble from an ASCII cow. You can run it as a job on the Lilypad network.
By default, Lilypad CLI saves results to a temporary directory. To specify a custom directory for your job results, set the DATA_DIR environment variable before running your command: export DATA_DIR=~/<DIRECTORY>
Run the command:
lilypad run cowsay:v0.0.4 -i Message="moo"
Wait for the compute to take place and for the results to be published: