Then use the command below to run the module. Note the parameters for changing the language and adding a prompt.'Hello! Youre listening to voice translation on Lilypad with dub3!'-iLANGUAGE=en-iINPUT_FOLDER=/inputs-iOUTPUT_FOLDER=/outputs
# SynthetizoorThis is a project to replicate what we [did here with cartesi]( it's a module to synthetize voices giving an inputIt uses [this repo]( as a template## Running with docker locallycreate venv with python 3.10.10```pip pip install -r requirements.txtmkdir /tmp/output_synthmkdir /tmp/input_synth# need to copy a .wav file in input_synth# for linux/amd archdocker run -v /tmp/output_synth:/outputs -v /tmp/input_synth:/inputs bringhi/synt:v6.1-amd64 'Ok, sono nato! buon giorno a tutti, mi chaimo dub3!' it /inputs /outputs# for linux/arm64/v8docker run -v /tmp/output_synth:/outputs -v /tmp/input_synth:/inputs bringhi/synt:v6.1-arm 'Ok, sono nato! buon giorno a tutti, mi chaimo dub3!' it /inputs /outputs```You need to put some file in /tmp/input_synthAt the end you'll have something in your `/tmp/output_synth` folder## Running it with LilypadLilypad maps the input and output folders.In the module, you can pass lilypad a URL where your sample file is stored (a file on IPFS ). lily will download it and put it in the folder``` "inputs": [ { "URL": {{.URL}}, "Name": "xxx.wav", "StorageSource": "urlDownload", "path": "/inputs" } ],```to retrieve the input, you need to get the file from the os, looping thru the input folder.## List of commits and docker image to to attach to commands above| git tag | docker image | command|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|| 0a57dc9cc4e37a11644bcdecb4107a20eba833d8 | bringhi/synt:0.6 | lilypad run -i URL= || b4d2e078c3447e1df12588ee854360087ce7f081 (CPU) | bringhi/synt:v6.0-arm (or amd) |lilypad run -i URL= -i SENTENCE='Ok, sono nato! buon giorno a tutti, mi chiamo dab three!' -i LANGUAGE=it -i INPUT_FOLDER=/inputs -i OUTPUT_FOLDER=/outputs |
| a9b9916270879be6275ad297edd4c595c54a6536 (GPU) | bringhi/synt:v6.0-arm (or amd) |lilypad run -i URL= -i SENTENCE='Ok, I am live now! Good morning, everyone. call me dub three!' -i LANGUAGE=it -i INPUT_FOLDER=/inputs -i OUTPUT_FOLDER=/outputs |