Funding your wallet

Get Testnet Lilypad Tokens (LP) and Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet ETH


To obtain funds, first connect your wallet to the Arbitrum Sepolia network. Collect Lilypad Testnet tokens (LP) and Arbitrum Sepolia ETH from the following faucets:

LP Testnet token faucet:

Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet ETH faucet (3rd party faucet list)

Get Testnet LP tokens

Copy your MetaMask wallet address into the input and click the request button.

Get Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet ETH

Copy your MetaMask wallet address into the input and click the request button.

The Arbitrum Sepolia faucet provides 0.0001 tokens per request. If you need more tokens and already have Sepolia ETH, you can use the official Arbitrum bridge to transfer it over to Arbitrum Sepolia.

Now you're ready to run Lilypad jobs with the Lilypad CLI!

Import Testnet tokens

Once the Arbitrum Sepolia testnet has been added to the wallet, import Arbitrum Sepolia ETH and Lilypad tokens (LP) into the wallet:

Select Import tokens at the bottom of the screen.

Use the Lilypad token contract address below to import the token (in order to view Testnet LP tokens in your wallet):

Lilypad Testnet Token (LP) contract address


Last updated
