Build a Job Module

How to build your own compute job for Lilypad

A Lilypad module is a Git repository that allows you to perform various tasks using predefined templates and inputs. This guide will walk you through creating a Lilypad module, including defining a JSON template, handling inputs, and following best practices.

For a more in-depth look at building modules, refer to this end-to-end guide.

If you're new to Docker, consider exploring this step-by-step tutorial on creating, building, and running a Docker image for a simple Hello World style application.

Module Structure

Start by creating a Git repository for your Lilypad module. The module's versions will be represented as Git tags. Below is the basic structure of a Lilypad Module.

├── model-directory            # Stores locally downloaded model files 
├── download_model.[py/js/etc] # Script to download model files locally
├── requirements.txt           # Module dependencies
├── Dockerfile                 # Container definition
├── run_script.[py/js/etc]     # Main execution script
├── lilypad_module.json.tmpl   # Lilypad configuration
└──                  # Documentation

Prepare Your Model

  • Download model files

  • Handle all dependencies (requirements.txt)

  • Implement input/output through environment variables

  • Write outputs to /outputs directory

1. Download the model locally

To use a model offline, you first need to download it and store it in a local directory. This guarantees that your code can load the model without requiring an internet connection. Here's a simple process to achieve this:

  1. Install required libraries

  2. Use a script to download the model (eg: python

  3. Verify that the model files are in your directory

The method to download and save a model and tokenizer may vary based on the model's architecture and the framework you are using. Always refer to the documentation of the specific model to ensure compatibility and proper usage.

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM

def download_model():
    model_name = "<namespace>/<model_identifier>"
    # Ensure you have a directory named 'model' in your current working directory or specify a path
    tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
    model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(model_name)

    # Save the tokenizer and model

if __name__ == "__main__":

2. Create Run Script ( for example) that will be used in conjunction with Docker

import os
import json
from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer

def main():
    # Load model and tokenizer from local directory
    model_path = '/model'  # Path to the local model directory
    tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path)
    model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_path)

    # Get inputs from environment variables
    input_var = os.environ.get('INPUT_VAR', 'default')
    # Your model code here
    result = your_model_function(input_var, model, tokenizer)
    # Save outputs
    output_path = '/outputs/result.json'
    with open(output_path, 'w') as f:
        json.dump({'result': result}, f)

if __name__ == "__main__":

3. Create a Dockerfile that functions with your run script

# Use specific base image
FROM base-image:version

# Set working directory
WORKDIR /workspace

# Install dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    your-dependencies && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Install model requirements
RUN pip install your-requirements

# Environment variables for running offline and using the local model 
# HF_HOME points to the directory where the model code is
ENV HF_HOME=/model

# Create necessary directories
RUN mkdir -p /outputs

# Copy execution script
COPY run_script.* /workspace/

# Set entrypoint
ENTRYPOINT ["command", "/workspace/run_script"]

4. Build and Publish Image

To make sure your Docker image is compatible with Lilypad, you need to define the architecture explicitly during the build process. This is particularly important if you are building the image on a system like macOS, which uses a different architecture (darwin/arm64) than Lilypad's infrastructure (linux/amd64).

The examples below are for building, tagging and pushing an image to DockerHub, but you can use any platform you prefer for hosting the image.

For Linux: docker buildx build -t <USERNAME>/<MODULE_NAME>:<MODULE_TAG> --push .

For MacOS:

docker buildx build \
--platform linux/amd64 \
--push \

5. Create a lilypad_module.json.tmpl Template

    "machine": {
        "gpu": 1,          # Set to 0 if GPU not needed
        "cpu": 1000,       # CPU allocation
        "ram": 8000        # Minimum RAM needed to run the module
    "job": {
        "APIVersion": "V1beta1",
        "Spec": {
            "Deal": {
                "Concurrency": 1
            "Docker": {
                "Entrypoint": ["command", "/workspace/run_script"],
                "WorkingDirectory": "/workspace",
                "EnvironmentVariables": [
                    # Environment variables with defaults
                    {{ if .var_name }}"VAR_NAME={{ js .var_name }}"{{ else }}"VAR_NAME=default_value"{{ end }}
                # Specify the Docker image to use for this module
                "Image": "repo-owner/repo-name:tag"
            "Engine": "Docker",
            "Network": {
                "Type": "None"
            "Outputs": [
                    "Name": "outputs",
                    "Path": "/outputs"
            "PublisherSpec": {
                "Type": "ipfs"
            "Resources": {
                "GPU": "1"    # Must match machine.gpu
            "Timeout": 1800

Environment Variables

Format in template:

{{ if .variable }}"VARNAME={{ js .variable }}"{{ else }}"VARNAME=default"{{ end }}

Usage in CLI:

lilypad run repo:tag -i variable=value

Formatting your module run command

During development, you will need to use the Git hash to test your module. This allows you to verify that your module functions correctly and produces the expected results.

Below is a working lilypad module run cmd for reference. (you can use this to run a lilypad job within the lilypad CLI):

Test Module before running on Lilypad

In order to ensure the module has been configured correctly and can run on the Lilypad network, use the following command syntax to run your Module on the Lilypad DemoNet. This is a dev environment with a development private key that can be used for running jobs on DemoNet.

lilypad run --network demonet --web3-private-key b3994e7660abe5f65f729bb64163c6cd6b7d0b1a8c67881a7346e3e8c7f026f5 -i prompt="a lilypad floating on a pond"

When running the Module on DemoNet, if the job run appears to be stuck after a few minutes (sometimes it takes time for the Module to download to the RP node), cancel the job and try again. Open a ticket in Discord with any issues that persist.

If many jobs have been run on the machine previosuly, clear Lilypad from the /tmp folder locally and try running the job again.

Run Module on Lilypad

lilypad run -i prompt="your prompt here"


Here are some example Lilypad modules for reference:

Deprecated examples:

These examples can help you understand how to structure your Lilypad modules and follow best practices.


In this guide, we've covered the essential steps to create a Lilypad module, including defining a JSON template, handling inputs, and testing your module. By following these best practices, you can build reliable and reusable modules for Lilypad.

For more information and additional examples, refer to the official Lilypad documentation and the Cowsay example module.

Last updated

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