Stable Diffusion Video (SDV1.0 & 1.1)

Run a Stable Diffusion Text to Video Job

Based on ComfyUI, the SDV Pipeline modules for Lilypad allow you generate videos from text prompts on Lilypad using Stable Diffusion Video and related models.

The SDV Pipeline modules are designed to take your text prompt, generate a still frame using SDXL, then use that as the input to the SDV model, producing an APNG (animated PNG), WebP video, and an MP4 video all in one go.

Running Stable Diffusion Video SDV1.0 and SDV1.1

Ensure you have installed all requirements


To run SDV1.0 or 1.1 Pipeline in Lilypad, you can use the following commands:

SDV 1.0

lilypad run sdv-pipeline:v1.0-lilypad2 -i ImageSeed="696721260153400" -i Prompt="an astronaut floating against a white background" -i Steps=200 -i VideoSteps=70

SDV 1.1

lilypad run sdv-pipeline:v1.1-lilypad2 -i ImageSeed="696721260153400" -i Prompt="an astronaut floating against a white background" -i Steps=200 -i VideoSteps=70

Specifying tunables

If you wish to specify more than one tunable, such as the number of steps, simply add more -i flags. For example, to change or improve the quality of the image generated add "Steps=x" with x = (up to 70):

lilypad run sdv-pipeline -i Prompt="an astronaut floating against a white background" -i Steps=69

See the options and tunables section for more information on what tunables are available.

The output will look like this:

SDV Output

Take the IPFS link given in the results and paste it into your browser:

Please be patient! IPFS can take some time to propagate and doesn't always work immediately.

You could also check the output folder that would have been downloaded at the end of running the job:

open /tmp/lilypad/data/downloaded-files/QmbjEKwZn5vSBoArudUEAPJDEiesVPk5tNkYxFvNkdFs6t

Results of SDV job on Output Directory

In the /outputs folder, you'll find the video and associated images:

The video in the outputs folder

Since modules are deterministic, running this command with the same text prompt will produce the same image, since the same seed is also used (the default seed is 0).

See this beginner-friendly article on how seeds work for more info on this

Options and tunables

The following tunables are available. All of them are optional, and have default settings that will be used if you do not provide them.

NameDescriptionDefaultAvailable options


A text prompt for the model

"question mark floating in space"

Any string


The framerate of the video


Any valid positive integer between 1 and 20


A seed for the image model


Any valid non-negative integer


The number of steps to run the model for


Any valid non-negative integer from 5 to 200 inclusive


The scheduler to use for the model


normal, karras, exponential, sgm_uniform, simple, ddim_uniform


The sampler to use for the model


"euler", "euler_ancestral", "heun", "heunpp2", "dpm_2", "dpm_2_ancestral", "lms", "dpm_fast", "dpm_adaptive", "dpmpp_2s_ancestral", "dpmpp_sde", "dpmpp_sde_gpu", "dpmpp_2m", "dpmpp_2m_sde", "dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu", "dpmpp_3m_sde", "dpmpp_3m_sde_gpu", "ddpm", "lcm"


How many images to produce


1, 2, 4, 8


A seed for the video model


Any valid non-negative integer


The number of steps to run the video model for


Any valid non-negative integer from 5 to 70 inclusive


The scheduler to use for the video model


normal, karras, exponential, sgm_uniform, simple, ddim_uniform


The sampler to use for the video model


"euler", "euler_ancestral", "heun", "heunpp2", "dpm_2", "dpm_2_ancestral", "lms", "dpm_fast", "dpm_adaptive", "dpmpp_2s_ancestral", "dpmpp_sde", "dpmpp_sde_gpu", "dpmpp_2m", "dpmpp_2m_sde", "dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu", "dpmpp_3m_sde", "dpmpp_3m_sde_gpu", "ddpm", "lcm"

Learn more about this Lilypad module on Github.

Last updated
