Installation (CLI)

Instructions for installing the Lilypad CLI on your machine

The installation process for the Lilypad CLI involves several automated steps to configure it for your specific system. Initially, the setup script identifies your computer's architecture and operating system to ensure compatibility. It will then download the latest production build of the Lilypad CLI directly from the official GitHub repository using curl and wget.

Once the CLI tool is downloaded, the script sets the necessary permissions to make the executable file runnable. It then moves the executable to a standard location in your system's path to allow it to be run from any terminal window.

Install via officially released binaries

Lilypad offers two distinct installation options to cater to different roles within the network: one for the users of Lilypad and another for resource providers who supply the computational resources to the Lilypad Network.

The resource provider version of Lilypad is not supported on Darwin/macOS.

Select the appropriate installation based on your role:

# Detect your machine's architecture and set it as $OSARCH
OSARCH=$(uname -m | awk '{if ($0 ~ /arm64|aarch64/) print "arm64"; else if ($0 ~ /x86_64|amd64/) print "amd64"; else print "unsupported_arch"}') && export OSARCH;
# Detect your operating system and set it as $OSNAME
OSNAME=$(uname -s | awk '{if ($1 == "Darwin") print "darwin"; else if ($1 == "Linux") print "linux"; else print "unsupported_os"}') && export OSNAME;
# Download the latest production build
curl | grep "browser_download_url.*lilypad-$OSNAME-$OSARCH-cpu" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" | wget -qi - -O lilypad

# Make Lilypad executable and install it
chmod +x lilypad
sudo mv lilypad /usr/local/bin/lilypad


You're required to set your private key environment variable, WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY, to interact securely with the network.

A WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY can be retrieved from the Metamask account details menu. For more info, check out the official guide from Metamask on viewing a wallet's private key. Be sure to keep your private key safe and never share it or store it in unsecured places to prevent unauthorized access to your funds.

export WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY=<your private key>

To use the Lilypad CLI, the set private key will need to hold Lilypad testnet tokens and Arbitrum Sepolia ETH. You can find those instructions in the Funding your wallet documentation.

Verify installation

To verify the installation, running lilypad in the terminal should display a list of available commands, indicating that Lilypad CLI is ready to use.

Lilypad: <VERSION>
Commit: <COMMIT>

  lilypad [command]

Available Commands:
  completion        Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help              Help about any command
  jobcreator        Start the lilypad job creator service.
  mediator          Start the lilypad mediator service.
  pow-signal        Send a pow signal to smart contract.
  resource-provider Start the lilypad resource-provider service.
  run               Run a job on the Lilypad network.
  solver            Start the lilypad solver service.
  version           Get the lilypad version

  -h, --help             help for lilypad
  -n, --network string   Sets a target network configuration (default "testnet")

Use "lilypad [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Thats it! You've successfully installed the Lilypad CLI on your machine! πŸŽ‰

Last updated
