Run a Node

The below are instructions for setting up and running on the public Lilypad testnet, including adding a node, obtaining necessary funds, installing required software, and ensuring security measures.

Network information and testnet tokens

The testnet has a base currency of ETH, as well as a utility token called LP. LP is used for both paying for jobs and staking nodes. To add a node to the testnet, follow these steps:


We recommend using MetaMask with custom settings to make things easier. Once you have it installed and setup, here are the settings you should use:

Fund your wallet with ETH and LP

To obtain testnet ETH and LP, go to the Lilypad faucet and enter your ETH address.

The faucet will give you both ETH (to pay for gas) and LP (to stake and pay for jobs).


  • Linux (latest Ubuntu LTS recommended)

  • Nvidia GPU

  • Nvidia drivers

  • Docker

  • Nvidia docker drivers

Install Bacalhau

Bacalhau is a peer-to-peer network of nodes that enables decentralized communication between computers. The network consists of two types of nodes, which can communicate with each other.

To install Bacalhau, run the following in your terminal:

cd /tmp


tar xfv bacalhau_v1.3.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz

sudo mv bacalhau /usr/bin/bacalhau

sudo mkdir -p /app/data/ipfs

sudo chown -R $USER /app/data

Install Lilypad

  1. With Go toolchain

    go install
  2. Via official released binaries

    # Detect your machine's architecture and set it as $OSARCH
    OSARCH=$(uname -m | awk '{if ($0 ~ /arm64|aarch64/) print "arm64"; else if ($0 ~ /x86_64|amd64/) print "amd64"; else print "unsupported_arch"}') && export OSARCH
    # Detect your operating system and set it as $OSNAME
    OSNAME=$(uname -s | awk '{if ($1 == "Darwin") print "darwin"; else if ($1 == "Linux") print "linux"; else print "unsupported_os"}') && export OSNAME;
    # Download the latest production build
    curl | grep "browser_download_url.*lilypad-$OSNAME-$OSARCH" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" | wget -qi - -O lilypad
    # Make Lilypad executable and install it
    chmod +x lilypad
    sudo mv lilypad /usr/local/bin/lilypad

Write env file

You will need to create an environment file for your node. /app/lilypad/resource-provider-gpu.env should contain:

WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY=<YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY> (the private key from a NEW MetaMask wallet FOR THE COMPUTE NODE)

This is the key where you will get paid in LP tokens for jobs run on the network.

You must not reuse your compute node key as a client, even for testing: this will result in failed jobs and will negatively impact your compute node since the wallet address is how nodes are identified on the network.

Install systemd unit for Bacalhau

systemd is a system and service manager for Linux operating systems. systemd operates as a central point of control for various aspects of system management, offering features like parallelization of service startup, dependency-based service management, process supervision, and more.

To install systemd, open /etc/systemd/system/bacalhau.service in your preferred editor:

Hint: sudo editor /etc/systemd/system/bacalhau.service

Description=Lilypad V2 Bacalhau systemd-networkd-wait-online.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/bacalhau serve --node-type compute,requester --peer none --private-internal-ipfs=false


Install systemd unit for GPU provider

Open /etc/systemd/system/lilypad-resource-provider.service in your preferred editor.

Hint: sudo editor /etc/systemd/system/lilypad-resource-provider.service

Description=Lilypad V2 Resource Provider GPU systemd-networkd-wait-online.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/lilypad resource-provider 

Reload systemd's units/daemons (you will need to do this again if you ever change the systemd unit files that we wrote, above)
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Start systemd units:
sudo systemctl start bacalhau
sudo systemctl start lilypad-resource-provider

Check that they are running with systemctl status as usual, and debug with journalctl if needed.

For example: sudo journalctl -uf lilypad-resource-provider will give you the live output from your Lilypad node. You should see your resource provider start accepting jobs on the network in the logs.

Please report issues on Bacalhau #lilypad-general Slack.


If you want to allowlist only certain modules (e.g. Stable Diffusion modules), so that you can control exactly what code runs on your nodes (which you can audit to ensure that they are secure and will have no negative impact on your nodes), you can do that by setting an environment variable OFFER_MODULES in the GPU provider to a comma separated list of module names, e.g. sdxl:v0.9-lilypad1,stable-diffusion:v0.0.1

Visit the Lilypad GitHub for a full list of available modules.

Last updated
