Install requirements

Lilypad setup

Install Requirements

Supported platforms: only supports x86_64 Linux

Install CLI

1. With GO toolchain

go install

You may then need to set:

NO export SERVICE_SOLVER="0xd4646ef9f7336b06841db3019b617ceadf435316"
export SERVICE_MEDIATORS="0x2d83ced7562e406151bd49c749654429907543b4"
export WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY=<your private key>

2. Via officially released binaries

# Detect your machine's architecture and set it as $OSARCH
OSARCH=$(uname -m | awk '{if ($0 ~ /arm64|aarch64/) print "arm64"; else if ($0 ~ /x86_64|amd64/) print "amd64"; else print "unsupported_arch"}') && export OSARCH;
# Detect your operating system and set it as $OSNAME
OSNAME=$(uname -s | awk '{if ($1 == "Darwin") print "darwin"; else if ($1 == "Linux") print "linux"; else print "unsupported_os"}') && export OSNAME;
# Download the latest production build
curl -sSL -o lilypad$OSNAME-$OSARCH
# Make Lilypad executable and install it
chmod +x lilypad
sudo mv lilypad /usr/local/bin/lilypad

You may then need to set:

export SERVICE_SOLVER="0xd4646ef9f7336b06841db3019b617ceadf435316"
export SERVICE_MEDIATORS="0x2d83ced7562e406151bd49c749654429907543b4"
export WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY=<your private key>

Verifying if the install is successful. Execute lilypad on your terminal and it should produce the following response.


  lilypad [command]

Available Commands:
  completion        Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help              Help about any command
  mediator          Start the lilypad mediator service.
  resource-provider Start the lilypad resource-provider service.
  run               Run a job on the Lilypad network.
  solver            Start the lilypad solver service.

  -h, --help   help for lilypad

Use "lilypad [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Last updated
