Connecting to LaLechuza Testnet
Install MetaMask Extension here
Next, add the Lalechuza testnet chain to MetaMask.
Network name: Lilypad Lalechuza testnet
New RPC URL: http://testnet.lilypadnetwork.org:8545
Chain ID: 1337
Currency symbol: lilETH
Block explorer URL: (leave blank)
To do this, open MetaMask then click on the network button at the top left of the popup (in the menu bar):
Then click the "Add Network" Button.
Next, click on "Add a network manually" at the bottom of the page and enter the Lilypad Testnet details:
Docker & Lilypad, Private Key
Supported platforms: Linux, macOS, WSL2 on both x86_64 and arm64
installed & running
Get your private key from MetaMask: Accounts -> Account Details -> Show private key
Set your private key in terminal
You can verify you have set it with:
How to run a cowsay job from a Smart contract!
Open the Contract
Click to open the ExampleClient.sol contract in remix
Alternatively, open in your browser and copy in the below ExampleClient.sol :
Connect to the Testnet
Connect MetaMask to the Lalechuza testnet & ensure you have testnet lilETH funds.
In the deploy tab in remix [fourth tab in the side bar], ensure you set the environment to "Injected Provider - MetaMask"
Deploy the Contact In remix, compile the ExampleClient.sol contract [third tab in the side bar]
Deploy an existing ExampleClient.sol contract by using the "At Address" with the following pre-deployed contract address: 0x035C7593D3355b9bE0459dF2296053f887d051f1
Call the runCowsay function
The moment of truth! Let's run the cowsay example!!
Then add the string parameter for what you want the cow to say and click the transact button! Your MetaMask wallet should pop up asking you to confirm the transaction.
Wait a couple of minutes for the job to complete on the compute network. Then you will be able to click the fetchAllResults button to get your IPFS CID result.
Open the string starting with "https://ipfs.io/" in your browser which contains the output of the compute job:
The cowsay result is found under "stdout"
Click Save.
Deploy a new contract by pasting in the Modicum contract address () to the constructor
First, ensure you set remix to pay 2 lilETH to the function by setting the "value" field
See the Results
Architecture Diagrams
Get Started
Win Hacks & Contribute to Lilypad
Verification, Mediation & Job Pricing on Lilypad v1
Get started with Lilypad v1
The cloud is just somebody else's computer...
This guide will take you through
Setting up Metamask Wallet for the Lilypad Lalechuza (eth) Testnet
Funding your wallet with Lilypad Testnet tokens from the faucet.
A cowsay job
The following is how to run the "Hello, World!" Job from the Lilypad CLI.
To Run from a smart contract skip to the section [Smart Contract] Run "Hello, World!" Job
Start Docker
Open a Terminal window and run the following command:
Ensure your user is in the docker group if necessary on your platform
Navigate to the IPFS CID result output in the Results -> https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmNjJUyFZpSg7HC9akujZ6KHWvJbCEytre3NRSMHzCA6NR
Patience! This could take up to a minute to propagate through the IPFS network.
Then click on the stdout folder and you should see the job result!
Ideas and Guides for Contributing to Lilypad
Here's some ideas for what you could build with Lilypad v1!
Contribute a Module to Lilypad!
We're sorry about these docs... we're actively working on it!
Create a gasless transaction pipeline with Bacalhau
Build new features for Waterlily.ai
Peruse the Past Hackathon Winnerspage!
With testnet Lilypad ETH
To obtain funds, connect to the Lilypad Lalechuza network on your wallet and head to the faucet at http://faucet.lilypad.tech
Faucet: http://faucet.lilypad.tech
Copy your MetaMask wallet address into the bar and click request.
Trustless Distributed Compute for web3
Lilypad is a powerful trustless distributed compute platform which leverages key features of blockchain to enable developers to call arbitrary verifiable compute jobs directly from their smart contracts! Lilypad's initial focus is on bringing together the current demand for GPUs (from AI & ML) with decentralised physical infrastructure networks like Filecoin which can supply this demand.
The ability to perform off-chain decentralised compute over data from smart contracts opens the door to a multitude of possible applications including:
Inference AI jobs
ML training jobs
Invoking & supporting generic ZK computations
Cross-chain interoperability complement to bridge protocols
Utilising inbuilt storage on IPFS
Federated Learning consensus (with Bacalhau insulated jobs)
IOT & Sensor Data integrations
Providing a platform for Digital twins
Supply chain tracking & analysis
ETL & data preparation jobs
How we see Lilypad network operating on a high level
Lilypad v1 is currently in early testnet phase and is a custom implementation of the ideas & code contained in the paper: "Mechanisms for Outsourcing Computation via a Decentralized Market", which proposed a mediator approach to resolving consensus of deterministic jobs, and also offers insights into running non-deterministic jobs.
See the for more info
Currently, two testnets are functional, both of which allow arbitrary untrusted nodes to join, but use a set of mutually trusted mediators to check jobs using verification by replication (see MODICUM paper for details).
Lalechuza - a testnet built on geth
Larana - a testnet built on Filecoin IPC (an advanced scaling solution for blockchain that implements a subnet pattern)
Lilypad Testnet Architecture
This page is a dynamic work in progress! We're working on some better diagrams!
See the & V1 Research Documents for further information on how the MODICUM architecture was enhanced in implementation
See docs.bacalhau.org for more information on how Bacalhau operates
Run a node to provide job services
Currently runs on Linux, macOS, WSL2 - but only x86_64 architectures
To contribute your resources to the network and get paid:
That's it! This will run a Lilypad docker node on your local machine which can accept and run jobs.
As a resource provider:
I register my resource offer and send my deposit against that single offer
The offer is matched with a job and I run the job
if I ran the job properly - I get my deposit back AND the cost of the job
if I was caught cheating - I will lose my deposit
Current State
You can read a much more thorough and academic explanation on these ideas in the and
This page also comes with a warning:
There is currently no verification on smart contract-called Lilypad jobs
Verification DOES exist on the CLI version, however.
How can nodes be trusted to do the compute job?
A resource provider node (compute node), is currently required to put down a deposit of funds before any compute jobs arrive.
On a network of compute nodes, there is also mediator nodes, whose job is to check that nodes in the network are correctly running the submitted jobs (eg. by running the job itself to check for correctness)
While not every job will take the same amount of time or compute resources to run, currently the network prices all jobs at the same amount. This will change in future versions to more accurately calculate and charge for the compute resource requirements of a job as well as compensating the compute nodes appropriately.
Running a Hello, (cow) World! Example
Good first project
Moderate skill needed
God mode!
Build cowsay as a service! -> see Hello (cow) World!
Stable diffusion as a service (text to image) -> see Stable Diffusion (SDXL0.9)
Use Stable diffusion fine tuning as a service (e.g. give me pics of you and add a beer or whatever, via LoRA) - this is a distributed compute network that triggers from a smart contract and that ACTUALLY CONSUMES DATA FROM IPFS and writes output data as CIDs and consumes them from inference - this is breakthrough computing!
Filecoin data prep: integrate with Filecoin service providers (requires knowledge of Filecoin Storage Market) -> see Filecoin Data Prep
Build a Javascript wrapper for the CLI
Advanced: arbitrary WASM - write your own code and compile it to WASM and run it
God Mode: Contribute a module (see below)
Yay we're rich!
We didn't want to hold back on releasing a testnet build that developers could use straight away to build their awesome ideas on, however, it's worth noting that Lilypad v1 is a minimal modicum-based testnet and the implemented mediation and game theory on this testnet is very much at baby stage - as are many other aspects of the robust compute network that we are working hard to build.
Fun fact: This is also why all jobs on the network currently need to be deterministic!
If a resource node is found to have cheated and not run the job, the penalty for doing so is high & their deposit is significantly slashed. While not every job will be verified for truthiness, a good analogy is to think of a train ticket inspector on a train. You may not always have your ticket checked, but if the fine for not buying a train ticket is high enough (let's say several ether!), then you will more than likely spend a small amount of Gwei buying the ticket, rather than risking the fine and being kicked off the train. Currently, the mediation (or checking that nodes in the network are correctly running submitted jobs) that happens on a smart contract called job is provided by a Lilypad default mediator. However, if you don't trust our mediator then you can run your own mediator and run compute nodes that trust your mediator instead.
Read more about these ideas in the &