Get started with Lilypad
Lilypad enables you to run compute jobs on a decentralized network of computers called the Lilypad Testnet.
This guide will take you through:
Installing the Lilypad CLI.
Running a Cowsay job on Lilypad Network, the Lilypad module equivalent to Hello, World!
Running the most important Hello World on Lilypad!
Before you run a Lilypad job, make sure you have Lilypad CLI installed and have set a WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY
env variable in your environment.
can be retrieved from the MetaMask account details menu. For more info, check out the official guide from MetaMask on how to get a your private key. Be sure to keep your private key safe and never share it or store it in unsecured places to prevent unauthorized access to your funds.
Run the command:
Wait for the compute to take place and for the results to be published:
View your results:
Configure a crypto wallet to receive testnet tokens used to interact with the Lilypad Network
Both Resource Providers (GPU compute nodes) and those looking to run jobs on the Lilypad network need to set up a Metamask account in order to run jobs on Lilypad. The public key of your wallet address is how you are identified on the network, and is how you can look up the transactions you make on the Arbitrum Sepolia blockchain explorer. You need an account for running jobs, and a separate account for each GPU you want to set up on the network.
The wallet you use for your account must have both ETH (to run smart contracts on Ethereum) and Lilypad (LP) tokens in order to pay for jobs (or receive funds for jobs) on the network.
End users of Lilypad can decide which crypto wallet they would like to use. In this guide, we advise using a MetaMask crypto wallet.
Install MetaMask Extension
The Lilypad Testnet (IncentiveNet) is currently running on the Arbitrum L2 network built on Ethereum.
In order to change to the Arbitrum network in the wallet, open MetaMask and click the network button in the top left of the menu bar:
Then select "Add network":
Next, select "Add a network manually":
Input the required Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet network info, and then "Save":
Network info is referenced directly from the Arbitrum Sepolia documentation.
Network name: Arbitrum Sepolia
Chain ID: 421614
Currency symbol: ETH
Block explorer URL: (optional)
The wallet is now setup and will display an ETH (Arbitrum Sepolia) token balance. In order to also display the LP token balance, the LP token will need to be imported.
Select "Import tokens" from the three dot menu next to the network name:
Select "Custom token" and add the Lilypad token contract address and token symbol. Then "Save".
Token contract address: 0x0352485f8a3cB6d305875FaC0C40ef01e0C06535
Token symbol: LP
You should now see both ETH and LP listed in the wallet (initial ETH and LP balances will be 0).
Now you're ready to fund the wallet with testnet LP and ETH tokens!
Get Testnet Lilypad Tokens (LP) and Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet ETH
tldr: To obtain funds, first ensure the wallet is connected to the Arbitrum Sepolia network. then, collect LP and ETH tokens from these faucets:
Arbitrum Sepolia ETH (3rd party faucet list)
Find out why you need tokens in the FAQs
You must be a member of the Lilypad Discord to claim tokens
Follow these steps to successfully claim your Testnet LP tokens:
Navigate to the Lilypad Testnet faucet.
Authenticate with Discord.
Copy your MetaMask wallet address into the input.
Click "Request".
Testnet LP tokens will be sent to the wallet address provided to the faucet.
Get Arbitrum Sepolia ETH from this list of third party faucets. Each faucet is designed differently, so follow the instructions provided.
If you need more tokens and already have Sepolia ETH, use the official Arbitrum bridge to transfer the tokens over to Arbitrum Sepolia.
With a balance of both LP and ETH, you're ready to run jobs with the Lilypad CLI!
Instructions for installing the Lilypad CLI on your machine
The installation process for the Lilypad CLI involves several automated steps to configure it for your specific system. Initially, the setup script identifies your computer's architecture and operating system to ensure compatibility. It will then download the latest production build of the Lilypad CLI directly from the official GitHub repository using curl
and wget
Once the CLI tool is downloaded, the script sets the necessary permissions to make the executable file runnable. It then moves the executable to a standard location in your system's path to allow it to be run from any terminal window.
When using the CLI always ensure you're running the of Lilypad.
Lilypad offers two distinct installation options to cater to different roles within the network:
One for Lilypad users who wish to run compute jobs on the Lilypad Network.
Another for resource providers who supply the computational resources to the Lilypad Network.
Select the appropriate installation based on your role:
The resource provider version of Lilypad is not supported on Darwin/macOS.
You're required to set your private key environment variable, WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY
, to interact securely with the network.
To verify the installation, running lilypad
in the terminal should display a list of available commands, indicating that Lilypad CLI is ready to use.
To uninstall Lilypad, you'll need to remove the lilypad
The following command detects where the lilypad
binary is located and removes it.
🚨 Using
sudo rm -rf
can be dangerous if not used carefully. Proceed with caution.
You can verify Lilypad has been uninstalled successfully with the following command:
If the uninstall was successful, you should see the message lilypad not found
can be retrieved from the Metamask account details menu. For more info, check out the on viewing a wallet's private key. Be sure to keep your private key safe and never share it or store it in unsecured places to prevent unauthorized access to your funds. You also need a separate private key
To use the Lilypad CLI, the set private key will need to hold Lilypad testnet tokens and Arbitrum Sepolia ETH. You can find those instructions in the documentation.
Thats it! You've successfully installed the Lilypad CLI on your machine!